Terms & Privacy


Privacy Policy

Effective December 1, 2023
You have accessed this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) through a link on one of the websites operated by Sunn Biolabs, LLC (“Sunn”). This Privacy Policy is also in effect in regard to any offline communications with Sunn involving the purchase of its products and services. By using any of the websites subject to this Privacy Policy, or by sharing any information with Sunn when making offline purchases of its products and services, you signify that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.
It is important for you to understand the information we collect about you during your visit to the websites and in your offline communications with Sunn.

Changes to the Policy

Sunn may change this Policy from time to time. If we make any changes to this Policy, we will notify you by changing the “Effective Date” date above and will post the revised policy here. As we may make changes at any time without notifying you, we suggest that you periodically consult this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the websites after the changes are posted constitutes your agreement to the changes. If you do not agree to the changes, please discontinue your use of the websites and purchase of products from Sunn.

Information Collection

We collect “personally identifiable information” about you when you provide information during purchases of goods and services from Sunn, when you make requests of us, and when you register to receive materials. The categories of information collected in these instances may include your name, contact information, purchase and account history, and payment information.
In some instances, you can submit personally identifiable information about other people. For example, if you order a gift for shipment to someone else either on one of the websites or offline, you may need to provide the recipient's information to deliver the gift.
When you submit your personally identifiable information, you are giving your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.
We may also collect non-personally identifiable information about you concerning your use of the websites, such as information regarding which of our pages are most popular, your IP address, browser, city, time zone, referring URL, and operating system. This information may be used in aggregate form for internal business purposes, such as compiling statistics, customizing content, and designing our websites.

No Information Collection from Minors

Our websites are intended for adults. If you are under 18 years of age, please do not submit any personal information through our websites. If the parent or guardian of a minor believes that the minor has provided us with personally identifiable information, the parent or guardian of that minor should contact us at operations@sunnbiolabs.com to have this information deleted from our files so that it is not in retrievable form. If we otherwise obtain information that we have personally identifiable information about a child under the age of 18 in retrievable form in our files, we will delete that information from our files so that it is not retrievable.

Use and Disclosure of Information

We may share non-personally identifiable information with third parties including our service providers, affiliates, licensees and partners.
We may disclose personally identifiable information to third parties to enforce our policies, or to protect anyone’s rights, property, or safety. Such information will be disclosed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We may also share your personal information with the following:

Other websites owned by Sunn and other companies related to Sunn for business purposes such as to provide joint content and services (including but not limited to transactions and customer support), to help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts and violations of our policies, and to provide you with information about products and services available at these other websites.
Carefully selected vendors, business partners and other organizations whose products or services we think may interest you (our “Affiliates”).
Service providers under contract who help with our business operations, including fulfilling orders, credit card processors, delivering packages, and providing promotional services and marketing.
Law enforcement agencies, governmental officials or other third parties in response to a subpoena, court order or substantially similar legal procedure, or if we believe in good faith that the disclosure of information is necessary to prevent imminent physical harm or financial loss; to report suspected illegal activity; or to protect anyone’s rights, property, or safety.
Other business entities, should we plan to merge with or be acquired by that business entity or in connection with a partial or total sale of assets, bankruptcy, or another corporate change. Should such a combination occur, we will require that the new combined entity follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information. If your personal information will be used contrary to this policy, you will receive prior notice.
Other third parties when you explicitly ask us or provide your consent to send your information to such third parties.

Links to Other Sites

Our site may contain links to other sites whose privacy practices may be different than ours. We do not have control over the information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties. You should consult the privacy policy of these other sites to learn how your privacy is protected.

Your Choices

You may opt out of receiving marketing emails or newsletters from Sunn or its Affiliates by following the instructions in those emails. You may also opt out of receiving marketing emails or newsletters from Sunn by contacting us at operations@sunnbiolabs.com. If you wish to no longer receive emails from one of our Affiliates, you should contact that Affiliate. If you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional emails, such as emails about your purchases, account or our ongoing business relations.
You can access or make changes to your personally identifiable information that we collect online by logging into your account through the “Account Options” page. We use this procedure to better safeguard your information.
You can correct factual errors in information we may have collected offline, such as by telephone, by sending us a request. To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

California Privacy Rights

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits customers of Company who are California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, information about the personal information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. If applicable, this information would include a list of the categories of personal information that was shared and the names and addresses of all third parties with which we shared information in the immediately preceding twelve calendar months.

Terms and Conditions

Sunn Biolabs, LLC, maker of various vitamins, dietary supplements, and other products sold on the Sunn website at  www.sunnbiolabs.com and other sites where these terms and conditions are posted (each, the "Site"), maintains this Site for your personal information, education and communication. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. BY ACCESSING OR USING THIS SITE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING THE DISCLAIMERS SET FORTH BELOW. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING THE DISCLAIMERS, YOU MAY NOT ACCESS OR USE THIS SITE. Your purchase or use any of Sunn Biolabs, LLC's products constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you must return the product for a refund within 30 days of the date of delivery of the product. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAIN AN ARBITRATION AGREEMENT AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY, SINCE THEY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS.




You and Sunn Biolabs, LLC agree that this arbitration agreement is made pursuant to a transaction involving interstate commerce and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA"), and not by any state law concerning arbitration; and that any dispute between us, including disputes by either of us against any agent, employee, subsidiary, affiliate, predecessor in interest, successor, or assign of the other, will be resolved exclusively and finally by binding arbitration, except for disputes arising from an alleged violation of intellectual property rights or breach of confidentiality, for which the injured party may suffer irreparable harm and may seek a restraining order, preliminary injunctive relief, an injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief and/or legal remedies, and actions to enforce the decisions of the arbitrators, for which action may be taken in any court of competent jurisdiction. BY AGREEING TO THIS ARBITRATION AGREEMENT, YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR RIGHT TO GO TO COURT, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL. In arbitration, a dispute is resolved by a neutral arbitrator or panel of arbitrators, rather than by a judge or jury. Arbitration is more informal, however, an arbitrator can award the same relief that a court can award. The arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), and conducted under AAA's Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, the "AAA Rules") then in effect at the time of the dispute. You may obtain copies of the AAA Rules and forms and instructions for initiating an arbitration by visiting the AAA website at www.adr.org, or by calling AAA at (800) 788-7879. If for any reason the AAA is unavailable, the parties shall mutually select another arbitration forum. If you initiate an arbitration, Sunn Biolabs, LLC will promptly reimburse you for any standard filing fee which may have been required under AAA's Procedures once you have notified Sunn Biolabs, LLC in writing and provided a copy of the arbitration proceedings. However, if Sunn Biolabs, LLC is the prevailing party in the arbitration, applicable law may allow the arbitrator to award attorneys' fees and costs to Sunn Biolabs, LLC, including the filing fee. There shall be no right or authority for any claim to be arbitrated on a class action basis or in a purported representative capacity. No claim submitted to arbitration is heard by a jury or may be brought as a private attorney general. You do not have the right to act as a class representative or participate as a member of a class of claimants with respect to any claim submitted to arbitration. The arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims against Sunn Biolabs, LLC and may not preside over any kind of representative or class proceeding against Sunn Biolabs, LLC. You acknowledge that this class action waiver is material and essential to the arbitration of any disputes between the parties and is nonseverable from the agreement to arbitrate claims. If any portion of this class action waiver is limited, voided, or cannot be enforced, then the parties' agreement to arbitrate shall be null and void. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT BY AGREEING TO THIS CLASS ACTION WAIVER, YOU MAY ONLY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST Sunn Biolabs, LLC IN AN INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS ACTION OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED A PRODUCT AND YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE FOREGOING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MUST TELL US IN WRITING AND RETURN THE PRODUCT TO GET A REFUND. IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED THE PRODUCT AT A RETAIL STORE, YOU MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT ACCORDING TO THE STORE'S RETURN POLICY. IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED THE PRODUCT BY TELEPHONE OR ONLINE FROM US, YOU MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT PURSUANT TO OUR RETURN POLICY, AVAILABLE AT [Justin, please insert the appropriate link where the return policy is posted on the site]
These Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflicts or choice of law. In addition, the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, including any amendments thereto, is expressly excluded hereby.


This Site is provided by Sunn Biolabs, LLC, and these Terms and Conditions provide to you (identified herein as "you" or "user") a personal, revocable, limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable license to use this Site conditioned on your continued compliance with these Terms and Conditions. If you are using the Site on behalf of a company or other business entity, please note that such a company or entity may have a separate agreement with Sunn Biolabs, LLC. Nevertheless, your use will be subject to these Terms and Conditions.


The content of this site and information provided to in response to a request made or question presented or survey completed by you (the "Information") is for informational purposes only. The Information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek the advice of a qualified health provider before making any adjustment to any medication or treatment you are currently using, stopping the use of any medication or treatment or starting any new medication or treatment, whether or not the subject was covered the Information provided to you. The Information is intended to provide users with a general understanding of certain wellness and health care topics and is not specifically applicable to any individual's medical problems, concerns and/ or needs. Any action you take on the basis of the Information provided is solely at your own risk and expense


You should be aware that this Site is not intended or designed to attract anyone under the age of 18. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is under the age of 18. By downloading, accessing, or using this Site or in order to view our information and materials or submit information of any kind to this Site, you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age (or the age of majority in your state of residence).


You will have the opportunity through our Sites to e-mail us with any questions you may have for our featured expert regarding our products, dietary supplements in general or health matters in general. Do not send us any medical, therapeutic or treatment questions. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, and the experts featured on the Site do not provide medical advice, and we urge you to contact your doctor if you feel you require medical advice or treatment.


These Terms and Conditions provide only a limited license to access and use the Site. Accordingly, you expressly acknowledge and agree that Sunn Biolabs, LLC, transfers no ownership or intellectual property interest or title in and to this Site to you or anyone else. All materials, including without limitation, graphics, images, HTML, codes, multimedia clips, Java codes, logos, button icons, banners and software, contained in this Site are the copyrighted property of Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or its affiliated companies and/or third party licensors. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names show on this Site are proprietary to Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or its affiliates and/or third party licensors. Unauthorized use of the materials on this Site will violate intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions are reserved to Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or its affiliated companies and/or third part licensors, whichever is the owner of any specific material. As such, no material from this Site may be modified, translated, decompiled, disassembled, broadcast, licensed, sublicensed, transferred, sold, mirrored, framed, exploited, rented, leased, copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, except that other than in the case of certain third party content, you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided that (i) you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices, (ii) you make no modifications to the materials, (iii) you do not use the materials in a manner that suggests an association with any of our products, services, or brands, and (iv) you do not download quantities of materials to a database that can be used to avoid future downloads from this Site. The use of any such material on any other Web Site or computer environment is prohibited. Moreover, you may not (i) use any "deep link," "page scrape," "robot," "spider," or other automatic device, program, script, algorithm, or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of this Site or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of this Site to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents, or information through any means not purposely made available through the Site, (ii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of this Site, including, without limitation, the account of another user(s), or any other systems or networks connected to this Site or to any Sunn Biolabs, LLC, server or to any of the services offered on or through the Site, by hacking, password "mining," or any other illegitimate or prohibited means, (iii) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of this Site or any network connected to the Site, nor breach the security or authentication measures on this Site or any network connected to the Site, (iv) reverse look-up, trace, or seek to trace any information on any other user of or visitor to the Site, (v) take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of this Site or Sunn Biolabs, LLC's systems or networks or any systems or networks connected to the Site, (vi) use any device, software, or routine to interfere with the proper working of this Site or any transaction conducted on the Site, or with any other person's use of the Site, (vii) forge headers, impersonate a person, or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise your identity or the origin of any message or transmittal you send to Sunn Biolabs, LLC, on or through the Site, (viii) use the Site or any interactive feature to harvest or collect e-mail addresses or other contact information; or (ix) use this Site in an unlawful manner or in a manner that could damage, disparage, or otherwise negatively impact Sunn Biolabs, LLC. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, COPYING OR REPRODUCING ANY SERVICES, PROGRAMS, PRODUCTS, INFORMATION, OR MATERIALS PROVIDED BY Sunn Biolabs, LLC TO ANY OTHER SERVER OR LOCATION FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR REDISTRIBUTION IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that any files or information available for downloading will be free of infection, viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code or codes that may contain contaminating or destructive properties. You agree to assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction resulting from any such downloading. You may not link any other website to this Site, nor reference hypertext documents on this Site from another website or document including e-mail, except under agreement. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, reserves the right at any time and in its sole discretion to change or revoke any authorization granted above. In such circumstances or if you violate any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions your permission to use the materials automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any copies you have made of the materials. Nothing contained in this Site should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademark, logo, trade name, or design displayed on this Site without the written permission of Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or the respective owner of the trademark.


The use of this Site and the Information is at your own risk. When using this Site, information will be transmitted over a medium over which Sunn Biolabs, LLC, has no control or jurisdiction. Therefore, Sunn Biolabs, LLC, does not assume any liability for or relating to the delay, failure, interruption or corruption of any information transmitted in connection with the use of this Site. This Site and the Information given through this Site are provided without charge and are provided on an "As Is" basis. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, SUNN BIOLABS, LLC, DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the exclusions may not apply to you. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, does not warrant that the Information contained on this Site will be uninterrupted or error free, or that defects will be corrected. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, makes no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy or suitability of the Information, links or communications provided on or through the use of this Site and does not warrant against human or machine error, delay, omissions, interruptions or losses, including loss of any data or the legality of the Site or compliance with respect to laws governing the products, services or promotions offered on this Site. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE, SHALL WE, OUR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LICENSEES, SUPPLIERS, OR THOSE HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED MATERIAL OR ANSWERED QUESTIONS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, PERSONAL INJURY, OR WRONGFUL DEATH WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOST REVENUE, LOST OR DAMAGED DATA, OR OTHER COMMERCIAL OR ECONOMIC LOSS THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THIS SITE OR THE INFORMATION, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, STRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHETHER IN WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE), INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY) EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID (WHICH MAY BE NOTHING) BY YOU TO US, IF ANY, FOR ACCESSING THIS SITE.


You agree that you will, at all times, provide true, accurate, current, and complete information when submitting information or materials on this Site, including, without limitation, when you provide information via a Site registration or submission form. If you provide any false, inaccurate, untrue, or incomplete information, Sunn Biolabs, LLC, reserves the right to terminate immediately your access to and use of this Site. In addition, you agree that you will not make any transmission or submission to this Site that violates any laws or regulations or infringes or violates the rights of any person or entity. By making communications or submitting information, success stories, testimonials, feedback, and/or photographs (collectively, "Submissions") to chat rooms, message or discussion boards or other forums, such as success stories or testimonials, or in contests or the like, you agree that such Submission is not confidential for all purposes and we shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any such Submissions by us or others. If you make any such Submission, you automatically grant (or warrant that the owner of such content has expressly granted) Sunn Biolabs, LLC, a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, world-wide nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, create derivative works from, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, perform, and display the Submission (including without limitation your photograph or likeness) in any media or medium, or any form, format, or forum now known or hereafter developed and waive any and all moral rights in the Submissions. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, may sublicense its rights through multiple tiers of sublicenses.


The operation of certain portions of this Site may require the submission, use, and/or dissemination of various personal identifying information about you. Please see Sunn Biolabs, LLC's Privacy Policy for a summary of Sunn Biolabs, LLC's personal identifying information collection and use practices. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account and for all activities that occur under your account. You agree not to use another user's username and password. You will immediately notify Sunn Biolabs, LLC, if you become aware of any loss or theft of your password or any unauthorized use of your username and password. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, reserves the right to delete or change a username or password at any time and for any reason.


If you participate in a chat area, message or discussion board, forum, or e-mail function from this Site or submit your success story or testimonial for publication on our Site ("Public Areas") you are solely responsible for your own communications, the consequences of posting those communications, and your reliance on any communications found in the Public Areas. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, is not responsible for the consequences of any communications in the Public Areas. In cases where you feel threatened or believe someone else is in danger, you should contact your local law enforcement agency immediately. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
Please keep in mind that whenever you give out personal information online for example, via message boards or chat areas on this Site that information can be collected and used by people you don't know. While Sunn Biolabs, LLC, strives to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online; you make such disclosures at your own risk. Although Sunn Biolabs, LLC, may from time to time monitor or review discussions, chats, postings, transmissions, bulletin boards, and the like on this Site, Sunn Biolabs, LLC, is under no obligation to do so and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from such materials nor for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger, or inaccuracy contained in any such materials on this Site.
You agree that if you use any Public Areas, you must not:
violate any local, state, national or international laws;
defame, abuse, harass or threaten others;
make any bigoted, hateful or racially offensive statements;
advocate illegal activity or discuss illegal activities with the intent to commit them;
post or distribute any material that infringes and/or violates any intellectual property right of others or the privacy or publicity rights of others;
post or distribute any unlawful, vulgar, obscene, slanderous, hateful, discourteous, derogatory, or indecent language or images or material that is embarrassing to any other person or entity;
advertise or sell to or solicit others;
use the Public Areas for commercial purposes of any kind;
post or distribute any software or other materials which contain a virus or other harmful component;
post material or make statements that do not generally pertain to the designated topic or theme of any chat room or bulletin board;
impersonate another person or post or transmit information anonymously or under a false name;
collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent;
post chain letters or pyramid schemes;
allow any other person or entity to use your account or identification for any purpose whatsoever, including posting or viewing comments;
after receiving a warning, continue to disrupt the normal flow of dialogue in any Public Area;
post the same note more than once or "spamming";
engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Site, or which in the judgment of Sunn Biolabs, LLC, exposes Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or any of its customers, licensors, or suppliers to any liability or detriment of any type.
Sunn Biolabs, LLC, does not and cannot review all communications and materials posted or uploaded to this Site and is not responsible for the content of these communications or materials. However, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to monitor these Public Areas and to refuse to post, remove or edit content from any of these areas at any time and for any reason. In addition, we reserve the right to take any action we think necessary to enforce compliance with your agreement or to protect the personal safety of our users or the public, including recording dialogue in public chat rooms and terminating a users access to the Public Areas or the Site. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, has no liability or responsibility to user's of this Site or any other person or entity for performance or nonperformance of any such activities.


Actual or attempted unauthorized use of this Site may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution, including, without limitation, punishment under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 under U.S. federal law. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, reserves the right to view, monitor, and record activity on this Site without notice or permission from you. Any information obtained by monitoring, reviewing, or recording is subject to review by law enforcement organizations in connection with investigation or prosecution of possible criminal activity on the Site. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, will also comply with all court orders involving requests for such information. In addition to the foregoing, Sunn Biolabs, LLC, reserves the right to, at any time and without notice, modify, suspend, terminate, or interrupt operation of or access to the Site, or any portion of this Site in order to protect the Site, Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or Sunn Biolabs, LLC's business.


We suggest that you exercise discretion while browsing the Internet using this Site. You should be aware that when you are on this Site, you could be directed to other websites that are beyond our control. There are links to other websites from Sunn Biolabs, LLC, pages that take you outside of our service. For example, if you "click" on a banner advertisement or a link, the "click" may take you off this Site. This includes links from advertisers, sponsors, and content partners that may use our logo(s) as part of a co-branding agreement. These other websites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, solicit personal information, or contain information that you may find inappropriate or offensive. In addition, advertisers on this Site may send cookies to users that we do not control. Use of third-party websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such websites. We make no representations concerning the content of any such third party websites. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in websites linked to this Site. We reserve the right to disable links from third party sites to this site.


Third party content is the intellectual property of such provider. Any copying, republications or redistribution of such content, including, but not limited to, by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of such party. Third party providers shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any action taken in reliance thereon.


These Terms and Conditions will take effect at the time you click "SUBMIT ORDER", register, respond to a request for information, and/or begin downloading, accessing, or using this Site, whichever is earliest. Sunn Biolabs, LLC, reserves the right at any time and for any reason to deny you access to this Site or to any portion thereof in order to protect its name and goodwill, its business, and/or other users, and Sunn Biolabs, LLC, shall have the right to immediately terminate a user's account in the event of any conduct by a user which Sunn Biolabs, LLC, in its sole discretion, considers to be unacceptable, or in the event of any breach by a user of these Terms and Conditions. Termination will be effective without notice. You may also terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time by ceasing to use the Site, but all applicable provisions of these Terms and Conditions will survive termination, as identified below. Upon termination, you must destroy all copies of any aspect of this Site in your possession. The provisions concerning Sunn Biolabs, LLC's proprietary rights, Submissions, indemnity, disclaimers of warranty and liability, admissibility of these Terms and Conditions, and governing law will survive the termination of these Terms and Conditions for any reason.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sunn Biolabs, LLC, and its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs and/or expenses whatsoever (including without limitation reasonable legal fees disbursements) arising out of or resulting, directly or indirectly, from: (a) your breach of these Terms and Conditions; (b) your access to or use of this Site or any website to which this Site is or may be linked from time to time; (c) your use of, reliance on, or publication, communication or distribution of anything on or from this Site; and/or (d) your violation of any law, rule or regulation. You shall use your best efforts to cooperate with us in the defense of any claim. We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you.


You acknowledge that any breach, threatened or actual, of these Terms and Conditions will cause irreparable injury to Sunn Biolabs, LLC, such injury would not be quantifiable in monetary damages, and Sunn Biolabs, LLC would not have an adequate remedy at law. You therefore agree that Sunn Biolabs, LLC shall be entitled, in addition to other available remedies, to seek and be awarded an injunction or other appropriate equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction restraining any breach, threatened or actual, of your obligations under any provision of these Terms and Conditions. Accordingly, you hereby waive any requirement that Sunn Biolabs, LLC, post any bond or other security in the event any injunctive or equitable relief is sought by or awarded to Sunn Biolabs, LLC, to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions.


Unless otherwise specified, the Information is presented solely for, and any coupons, promotions and programs are offered only to, residents of the United States of America, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam. In addition, any contests or sweepstakes offered are offered only to residents of the United States of America. We make no representation that material on this Site is appropriate or available for use in any particular location. Those who choose to access this Site do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.


You can contact us via e-mail by clicking "Contact Us" on any Sunn Biolabs, LLC page or send an e-mail directly to operations@sunnbiolabs.com. Please include information in the e-mail that will help us identify your account so we can assist you with your inquiry or request.


Failure to insist on strict performance of any of these Terms and Conditions will not operate as a waiver of any subsequent default or failure of performance. No waiver by Sunn Biolabs, LLC, of any right under these Terms and Conditions will be deemed to be either a waiver of any other right or provision or a wavier of that same right or provision at any other time. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and the liability limitations set forth above, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most clearly matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in effect.


We may perform any of our obligations or exercise any of our rights under these Terms and Conditions through one or more of our corporate affiliates (including any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with us). If Sunn Biolabs, LLC, or its assets are acquired by another entity, that entity will assume our rights and obligations as described in these Terms and Conditions. You may not assign your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions, by operation of law or otherwise, without our prior written consent.


No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and Sunn Biolabs, LLC, as a result of these Terms and Conditions or your utilization of this Site. These Terms and Conditions, Sunn Biolabs, LLC's Privacy Policy, and any other agreement or terms or conditions for services, subscriptions, or licenses for products or services available through the Site, which are all hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein, represent the entire agreement between you and Sunn Biolabs, LLC, with respect to use of the Site, and they supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written between you and Sunn Biolabs, LLC, with respect to this Site.